
Princess 30th Anniversary Screening • FREE* • Join us! Party like it's 1985!

*For Members. Non-members can get in free with the purchase of a $5 membership - 1985 prices!.... (A photo of the Princess like you've never seen her before!...)


A young (!) John Tutt, transforming the exterior of the "Majestic," into what she is today... The Princess!

Princess Members can pick up free souvenir tickets for this screening at the Princess Twin box office or via Eventbrite.

'Vertigo', Hitchcock's masterpiece, was one of the first films screened at the Original Princess that opening month of September... 30 years ago!

“Vertigo is Hitchcock's most disturbing masterpiece, with enough intellectual clout to be one of, if not the finest, American movies ever made. First and foremost it's a chilling thriller, but dig deeper and you'll uncover sinister references to Dante's Inferno, psychological colour codes and, most controversially, the master of suspense at last baring his soul on film.

“Resigned from the police force after a rooftop fatality, Scottie Ferguson (Jimmy Stewart) is hired to watch ghost-like Madeleine Elster (Kim Novak), a woman seemingly possessed by a dead countess. He falls in love, but his vertigo renders him powerless to prevent her suicidal leap from a bell-tower. Mentally scarred, he roams San Francisco aimlessly until meeting Judy (also Novak), a dead ringer for Madeleine, after which the truth slowly unravels.

“Hitchcock's obsessions with romantic love and female deception are exposed in this spine-tingling tale of mistaken identity. Sit in the front row for this one, it's the closest you'll get to genius all year.” - Empire



No screenings currently scheduled.

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