“Directed by Xavier Koller (Journey Of Hope, 1990’s Best Foreign Language Film), Someone Like Me is an irrepressibly cheerful love story set in Bern in the late 1800s. A popular barber shop is home to Dällebach Kari, an amiable and entertaining fellow with a great story to tell.
“Born into a poor farming family, Kari was a fragile child, born with the additional burden of a harelip. But Kari‘s mother doted on him, and he blossomed into a cheerful young man with an unshakeable belief in the beauty of life.
“At 20, Kari (played as a young man by Nils Althaus) meets the gentle and beautiful Annemarie (Karla Juri). It’s love at first sight. While other girls had turned away from Kari, Annemarie is enraptured by his outgoing personality. But her pompous father is opposed to his daughter’s relationship with a mere barber, and has other plans for her marriage. Thus, the power of true love is pitted against the pressures of a conservative society.
“Flash forward to the grown Kari (Hanspeter Müller-Drossaart) as he regales his barbershop clients with the tale of his one great love, and cheerfully lets us know how it all turned out.” – Elefant Studios
A Co-presentation by University of Waterloo Centre for German Studies and the Princess Cinemas. Sponsored by the Embassies of Austria, the Federal Republic of Germany, and Switzerland