The Economics of Happiness

'The Economics of Happiness' features a chorus of voices from six continents calling for systemic economic change.

Co-presented by Divest Waterloo, The Working Centre and Princess Cinemas.

“‘Lonely people have never been happy people. And globalization is creating a very lonely planet.’ So says activist and author Vandana Shiva in The Economics of Happiness, an incisive documentary that links today’s global crises (climate change, terrorism, the financial crash) with personal malaise (rising levels of depression and the pervasive emptiness of consumer society). The cause? The macroeconomic structure of globalization, a massive conglomerate of megabanks, multinational corporations, and international financial institutions, all constantly expanding in a deregulated environment that takes profit, and never people, as the raison d’être of all things.
“The cure? Localization. A return to community, where people can forge connections with neighbors instead of advertising models, and buy food from a nearby farmer instead of the industrial agricultural machine. It is the economic and social bond among fellow citizens, and their very interdependence, insists economic analyst Helena Norberg-Hodge, that allows them to be truly happy.” - Yes Magazine


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