
"Every frame of the film is excitingly alive and freshly conceived, making it something very much worth seeing on the big screen." - Hollywood Reporter

Oscar-nominated director Benh Zeitlin’s follow up to his breakout hit Beasts of the Southern Wild, this is a daring reimagining of the Peter Pan mythology. Re-focusing the narrative to the female protagonist’s view, we are transported along with her to a world beyond our wildest imagination, filled with lost boys, sea monsters, and obscured secrets.

Zeitlin infuses the dream island of Neverland with the gorgeous, hazy magical realism he’s renowned for. Both an inspired tale of adventure and a dazzling paean to youth, WENDY is an artful and emotionally thrilling story of hope.

"Wendy in every way feels like a handmade, one-of-a-kind, exceptionally fresh and — one hesitates to use the word — organic piece of work that quite quickly imparts a desire to see it again." - Hollywood Reporter


No screenings currently scheduled.

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