When Morning Comes (Black Film Festival)

A young boy struggles with his widowed mother's decision to relocate the family from Jamaica to Canada.

After his mother decides to relocate their family from Jamaica to Canada, young Jamal runs off to spend time with his best friend, the girl he likes, and his substitute father figures. He also visits the grave of his beloved father one last time.

"Fyffe-Marshall’s constructs a poetically beautiful and heartfelt love letter to Jamaica and sense of community it fosters." - That Shelf

"It’s a beautiful, emotional film that always leads with love — not the kind of love found in cliches, but a truer, selfless love." - Autostraddle

"Wilson and Roberts make a convincing and loving family. The camerawork seems invisible. A pop-reggae musical soundtrack will lift your heart." - DwightBrownInk.com

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