

Some of the greatest movie posters, ever are up for auction!

This week we just added a whole lot more movie posters to our online auction for you to bid on, to support the Playhouse Cinema! 


Some of the greatest movie posters, ever are up for auction!


We wish our doors could be open. But they aren't. 

In a normal year, a cinema like the Playhouse would be open 363 days of the year. This year? We were open for 190 days in total. It's been hard, it's been challenging and it hasn't been the year we thought it would be... but who can't say that after a year like this, right?


Indie cinema needs your support now, more than ever! Shop for Playhouse Holiday Gift Packs and our NEW Epic Books Combo Pack here! Just read through this week's newsletter and show your support where you can! 

Just a heads up... Starting this Friday, we've moved our Friday & Saturday Popcorn Pick-Up time at the Playhouse from 6-8pm to 3-5pm! Stop by for some afternoon snacks, Christmas shopping in person and more! 

princess-playhouse---web---christmas-gift-packs---680x510_1.pngThank-you for voting for us in The Hamilton Spectator's Readers' Choice Awards! We were given the top Diamond Award for Best Movie Theatre in Hamilton. Your continued support is precious.

The holiday season is officially here as we celebrate the beginning of December and we are so so so ho ho ho ... excited! 

123126446_413661933132026_3131406463031926862_n.pngThank-you for voting for us in The Hamilton Spectator's Readers' Choice Awards! We were given the top Diamond Award for Best Movie Theatre in Hamilton. Your continued support is precious.

Hello Playhouse Friends,

Black Friday is here and your support to cinema and small business is forever appreciated.

123126446_413661933132026_3131406463031926862_n.pngThank-you for voting for us in The Hamilton Spectator's Readers' Choice Awards! We were given the top Diamond Award for Best Movie Theatre in Hamilton. Your continued support is precious.

Hello Playhouse Friends,

We're happy to announce that our X-Mas Pop-Up Shop is now open for all your holiday shopping needs! 


Thank-you for voting for us in The Hamilton Spectator's Readers' Choice Awards! We were given the top Diamond Award for Best Movie Theatre in Hamilton. Your continued support is precious.

Hello Playhouse Friends,


princess-playhouse---web---the-climb---largebanner_1.pngGrab advance tickets to all of our screenings by scrolling down and selecting the films that you want to see!


banner_first.pngGrab advance tickets to all of our screenings by scrolling down and selecting the films that you want to see!

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